
Install the useflytrap package to your project.

Add Flytrap code transform

Add the Flytrap code transform to your Rollup configuration, so that all your code gets properly processed for replaying. This is an example configuration of using Rollup with an Express API.

Keep in mind that the Flytrap Transform should come before plugins such as nodeResolve, so we don’t wrap imported node modules.

Create your Flytrap configuration

Next up, create your Flytrap configuration file. The configuration file defines what project you are capturing & replaying for, and the replay & capture behavior.

You can get the values for your Flytrap configuration file by creating a project as seen below.

Catch your first bug

Now your app will be enabled with Flytrap. You can test out the setup by throwing an error in your development environment.



Rollup usage example

See how you can use Flytrap with Rollup in an example Express API